Zhonggen 2019

Created: 2023-02-20 Updated: 2023-02-20

ref-id: TER4JE2D
Show creator Zhonggen
All creators Zhonggen, Yu (author)
Title A Meta-Analysis of Use of Serious Games in Education over a Decade
Show date 2019-02-03
Type name journalArticle


Metanalyse der Wirksamkeit von Serious Games im Bildungsbereich sowie eine Analyse möglicher weiterer Schritte innerhalb der Forschung.

"This review study, therefore, aims to find out the main features of successful serious games and put forward constructive suggestions for designers via reviewing significant works in the recent decade. We attempt to answer the following research questions: (1) What is the trend of the number of publications in a recent decade? (2) What are the factors influencing the effect of serious game assisted learning? (3) What are the positive findings in use of serious games in education? (4) What are the negative findings in use of serious games in education? (5) Is use of serious gaming effective in medical education? (6) What attitudes do learners/players hold toward use of serious games in education? (7) What is the development of use of serious games in education?"

Fragen (an die Autoren)




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Design von Serious Games