Zhonggen 2019
Created: 2023-02-20 Updated: 2023-02-20
ref-id: | TER4JE2D |
Show creator | Zhonggen |
All creators | Zhonggen, Yu (author) |
Title | A Meta-Analysis of Use of Serious Games in Education over a Decade |
Show date | 2019-02-03 |
Type name | journalArticle |
Metanalyse der Wirksamkeit von Serious Games im Bildungsbereich sowie eine Analyse möglicher weiterer Schritte innerhalb der Forschung.
"This review study, therefore, aims to find out the main features of successful serious games and put forward constructive suggestions for designers via reviewing significant works in the recent decade. We attempt to answer the following research questions: (1) What is the trend of the number of publications in a recent decade? (2) What are the factors influencing the effect of serious game assisted learning? (3) What are the positive findings in use of serious games in education? (4) What are the negative findings in use of serious games in education? (5) Is use of serious gaming effective in medical education? (6) What attitudes do learners/players hold toward use of serious games in education? (7) What is the development of use of serious games in education?"
Fragen (an die Autoren)
- Serious Game: "Serious games are referred to as entertaining tools with a purpose of education, where players cultivate their knowledge and practice their skills through overcoming numerous hindrances during gaming."
- "Backstory and production refer to the information about the effect of serious games."
- "Realism of serious games means the degree to which the game could meet users’ expectation."
- "Artificial intelligence and adaptivity refer to an approach using computing algorithms to facilitate the user-game interaction in order to provide service to cater for users’ individual needs."
- "Feedback refers to the evaluation of the serious game, as well as the response of the game to users."
- "Debriefing means communication sessions when information is shared and examined after the gameplay."
- "One of the reasons for the effectiveness of serious games in education may be their influence on learners’ mood."
- "Effective serious games attempt to form positive mood in order to encourage players to continue the play, leading to increased interest in gameplay, as well as better academic performances."
- 39 Artikel über Serious Game Assisted Learning
- Schnelle Zusammenfassung: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijcgt/2019/4797032/tab1/
- "When learners clearly predict the goals and ease of use, they tend to focus on the contents and enjoy themselves"
- "Those catering for different learner needs and applicable in different academic contexts could more likely achieve success than those failing to do so. Relationships between learning attributes and gaming mechanics, an important influencing factor, should therefore be considered and implemented by teachers, which could be integrated into teaching plans and learning process."
- "Specific influencing factors have recently been explored. Serious game assisted learning was greatly influenced by five factors, i.e., backstory and production, realism, artificial intelligence and adaptivity, interaction, and feedback and debriefing. [...] Learners should seriously consider these factors to achieve success in learning, and designers of serious games should also integrate these factors into the game production."
- "Gaming easiness and instruction were also demonstrated influencing factors. Easiness in use and gaming instructiveness were more important factors than enjoyment to encourage gameplay participation."
- "Surprises could also be considered an important factor that influences the effectiveness of use of serious games in education."
- "Open ended serious games improved students’ specific skills and better their learning performance via problem solving than closed games."
Positive Ergebnisse
- "There are a huge number of findings in serious game assisted learning, most of which are supportive, coupled with a few negative results."
- "Serious gaming immersed learning could facilitate learners' holistic understanding of scientific conceptions due to the improved performances on science and the prolonged retention of science knowledge."
- "Gaming immersion was also positively correlated with performance of science learning"
- "Through analyzing 46 empirical studies, serious games were reported helpful for learners to obtain cognitive abilities, and increase positive affect of learning."
- "Despite the fact that no significant differences in academic achievements were found; significantly more positive attitudes toward serious game assisted learning were revealed compared with traditional paper-based learning."
- "It was empirically evidenced that learners who learnt through playing serious games were scored significantly higher than those who did not learn through gameplay although significant differences in knowledge tests were not revealed"
- "In the context of business, use of serious games was also effective in improving cross cultural communication competence between people from different countries."
Negative Ergebnisse
- "The nature of serious games negatively influenced the relationship between mental workload and learning effect"
- "No significant differences in in-depth learning were found among learners"
- "Some serious games aggravated the mental workload and decreased the learning effectiveness"
- "Learners held positive attitudes, positive cognitive perceptions, and high positive and low negative affective perceptions regarding various serious games assisted learning."
- "Serious games might encourage learners to hold positive attitudes toward academic tasks with strong self-regulation if they were immersed in the gaming situation. Positive attitudes help learners to produce better academic achievements than negative attitudes. Thus it is reasonable to conclude that serious gaming leads to significantly more positive attitudes than traditional learning."
Design von Serious Games
- "When developing serious games, it is important to develop a tool to track gameplay or learning progress."
- "A Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics (LM-GM) model was designed to support serious game assisted learning. Pedagogical and gaming elements were both taken into account in the learning process. Gameplay mechanics and pedagogical elements were included in the LM-GM model. This model could help teacher evaluate the effectiveness of a serious game and perceive how to carry out the gameplay assisted learning and teaching."